Winter Sunday School Classes
January 2022 | Interviews by Barb Ryczek, article by Ellie McGinty

This trimester, Gashland EPC is offering five Sunday School classes during the Sunday School hour, every Sunday from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Barb Ryczek interviewed a few of the people teaching classes this trimester, and asked them a little bit about why Sunday School is important and how they personally have been blessed by teaching. There is also one other class in addition to these: The Men’s Class, which is studying Lesser Known Men of the Bible this trimester, taught by Tim Eckerley.
Mark Lancaster, Pray Always:
What is your passion behind teaching this particular Sunday School class?
Prayer is essential to sustain and grow because it is the moment-by-moment presence of God that our souls need. None of us in this class “teach,” rather we participate in collectively coming before the throne of the Lord. I admit that my prayer life has been perfunctory rather than impassioned.
How have you seen spiritual growth as you’ve taught, both in yourself and in those you are teaching?
Spiritual growth is hard to measure. In prayer, more earnest yearnings, more care for needs of those who are at a distance, more confronting our own weakness in contrast to His majesty might be a way to gauge it. Personally, I see affirmation of our utter dependence on the Lord.
Why is Sunday School important for believers to attend?
Using Acts 2:42-47 as a guide, “fellowship” and “learning” were essential to the early church establishment and growth. Both happen during Sunday School in a less structured way compared to worship services. Adding to this, prayer can blossom where it is given a chance to grow and take its own shape. That happens away from a formal setting, and Sunday School is an ideal time to pray. Lastly, Sunday School is a role modeling environment; you can see more clearly into the motives and practices of classmates versus someone sitting in the pew next to you.
Kelly Dunn, First Peter:
What is your passion behind teaching this particular Sunday School class?
I came to faith as a 23-year-old young man. My family was not serious about faith; the Christmas Eve service and Easter Sunday covered the religious involvement of my family. Therefore, when I believed the gospel, I did not know anything about the Bible. All I knew was that it was God’s words and that it was all true, and it was true about me; that I was a sinner fit only for Hell.
How have you seen spiritual growth as you’ve taught, both in yourself and in those you are teaching?
The wonderful truth is teaching the Bible to others. You must first immerse yourself in the scripture and apply the truth in your own life before you presume to teach others competently.
Why is Sunday School important for believers to attend?
In a book like the Bible, we will never master it all. There are many reasons to attend. 1 Peter 2:1-2 says “Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.”
It is also a good way to be the church with each other, as Hebrews 10:24-25 says: “…and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”
Laura Cooper, The Women’s Class: A Study of Exodus
What is your passion behind teaching this particular Sunday School class?
I always wondered why we didn’t have a women’s Sunday School class when we had a men’s class, so I thought that would be a great class to lead! I think women are often looking for opportunities for fellowship while growing in their walk with Christ and a women’s Sunday School class seems like the ideal place to meet both needs. We have a wonderful group of women at Gashland so it’s been a true blessing for me to be a part of this group!
How have you seen spiritual growth as you’ve taught, both in yourself and in those you are teaching?
I have experienced a lot of growth through the process of preparing my lessons each week. In the study of the spiritual disciplines, for example, I realized there were some disciplines I needed to start practicing and I learned ways to grow in practicing others too. In each study involving a book of the Bible I’ve grown in my knowledge and understanding of each of those books as well. I also learn from the women in the group too. They always have wise insights that I can apply to my life. I think it’s hard to speak for how others have experienced growth but those are some of the ways I have definitely experienced growth!
Why is Sunday School important for believers to attend?
We are very blessed to have such strong Biblical preaching from our ministers each Sunday morning. But I think Sunday School offers an additional layer beyond that. Through Sunday School, you can dive a little deeper into a topic and have discussion where you can have questions answered and learn from the wisdom of the other people in the class too. So I think Sunday School works really well to further understand and apply to our individual lives what we are learning on Sundays.
Barry Cooper, The Gospel of Matthew
What is your passion behind teaching this particular Sunday School class?
We are currently teaching the Gospel of Matthew which focuses on “promise and fulfillment.” God’s promises in the Old Testament Scriptures, to bring salvation to His people Israel and to the whole world, are being fulfilled with the coming of Jesus the Messiah. I can’t think of a better or more fulfilling study during the Advent season.
How have you seen spiritual growth as you’ve taught, both in yourself and in those you are teaching?
As you dig into the Scriptures and prepare lessons, you can’t help but grow in your Christian walk. It’s a special blessing when folks receive “lightbulb moments” and the truths of the Bible come into focus. As a teacher, I’m held to a high standard and have the awesome opportunity to utilize my specific spiritual gift in that regard.
Why is Sunday School important for believers to attend?
In my opinion, the spiritual discipline of learning is a lifelong endeavor, critical to every Christ follower. How do you, personally, communicate to a lost world that there IS hope? I can’t put it any better than the apostle Peter in 1 Peter 3:15, “…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” Amen and Amen!