Men's Ministry
To support the men of Gashland through fellowship with one another, prayer for one another, and the study of His Word, that they may be equipped to be servant-leaders in their homes, the church, and the community.
Ministry Team: Mark Blakley, Tim Eckerly, Aaron Kleinmeyer, Barry Cooper, Dallas Reeve, Chris Schupp, & Chris Stackpole
Contact email:
Our goal is to serve as a resource for the men of Gashland. We would love to be praying for you. If you would like to share a prayer request, please reach out to the contact information above, or grab one of us in person. We can send out an email to our Men’s Ministry contact list, if you would like to put the weight of the men of Gashland behind your prayer.
If you are interested in joining the team, or would like to help with one of the events, please reach out to us for more information and to discuss your role. We are always interested in suggestions on how we can improve or better serve the men of our church, so please feel free to offer any ideas you may have.
Connecting & Gathering
Scripture Reading
We are striving to make the Word of God an emphasis. Anyone at Gashland is invited and encouraged to attend and participate. On the first Sunday of each month, at 5pm, we will be gathering and taking turns reading at least one entire book out of the Bible, from start to finish. If you feel, as we do, that the Word is a special gift to humanity, please join us as we seek to be faithful in reading it.
Men’s Campfire
For those who enjoy the outdoors, come join us as we gather around the campfire! On the last Saturday of each month at 6:30 pm, we will enjoy a meal cooked over the campfire and have a short bible study. For the remainder of 2022, we are studying the shortest books of the bible, and in 2023 we will be studying the Psalms. This is always a wonderful evening of fellowship and conversation, which usually lasts well past the bible study. All men are welcome to join, including those with young sons (it is not necessary for them to join in the discussion). Please come gather with us!
Annual Men’s Retreat
Each fall, we gather for a half-day, outside of the urban setting where we can connect deeply with the Lord in His creation. The event takes place at Mark Lancaster’s farm, and is a great opportunity to allow the Word to restore us. There will be a group devotional, led by Chris Schupp; the topic will be brotherhood and how we can support each other as men of the Lord. We will have group discussions, interspersed with times of silent, individual reflection. We will be meeting on Saturday, November 5th at 7:00 am. Breakfast and lunch will be served. We hope to see you there!
Men’s Christmas Dinner
Continuing the tradition! This event will be in early December, and will feature a dinner with holiday-related entertainment. As the Christmas season gets into full swing, this is our opportunity to slow down and enjoy an evening of fellowship with each other, before we get too busy. More details will follow, so stay tuned!
Men’s Sunday School Class
This class meets at 9:45 am, every Sunday. Starting with the fall quarter on September 11th, we will be meeting in classroom 221. This class is led by a different person each quarter, and our focus is to have a discussion-centered topic that is relevant to our lives as men of the Lord. The fall topic will be “Fear and the Christian Response,” where we will examine how we are to react to different fears in our lives as men, and what Scripture has to say about the topic. We will also be seeking ways each week where we can support one another in prayer. Please join us each week for a time of fellowship in the Word and interesting discussion!
Friday Morning Community Bible Study
For all of the early birds out there! This study meets at 6:30am on Friday mornings, to accommodate those who need to be at work by 8:00am. Each Friday we have a short time of fellowship over breakfast, and then we start a discussion over the Scriptures. We are currently making our way through the Proverbs, in an effort to study God’s Wisdom. This is a good opportunity to break up the week and have fellowship with other men of Gashland, aside from Sunday mornings. The study is open to any men who are interested in showing up that early, so please join us!
Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study
This study meets on Saturday mornings at 7:30am. If you would like to start off your Saturday with God’s Word, this might be the one for you. If you would like more information, please reach out to Dale Anderson.
In Galatians 5:13, we are called to serve one another. This is not an exhaustive list of ways to serve, nor is it a list of men-only service opportunities. These are just a few ways in which the men of Gashland have volunteered their service to the church. Please be prayerfully considering ways in which you might serve in the church. Here are some opportunities to help out alongside other men, in service of the church:
Chair TeamThis group meets before the second service to set up the chairs. There are different groups which meet at specific times on different Sundays, in order to allow for people’s schedules. If you prefer physical service, this might be a good fit for you. Please contact Chris Stackpole for more information.
Mowing Team
This group meets once a month to mow the grass at Gashland, in order to keep the grounds looking attractive. t usually involves about 2 hours of your time once a month. If you enjoy lawn care, this might be the group for you. Please contact Mark Blakley for more information.
Tech Teams
These groups meet each week to run the digital media and sound system for either the first or second service. If you are a fan of technology, this could be a great opportunity to serve. Please contact Chris Schupp (1st service) or Ellie McGinty (2nd service) for information about time commitments.