Parking Lot Paving – Lot Closed (Date Change)

The original dates for parking lot repairs have been moved. Weather permitting, the parking lot is scheduled to be closed on August 5th and 6th for crack sealing, seal coating, and restriping. The parking lot entrances will be barricaded with cones. The lot will remain closed until Wednesday to allow things to cure / dry. The contractor will remove the cones when the parking lot is sufficiently cured. The schedule is conditional on weather. If the lot is blocked with cones, please park at the neighboring business lots.


Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 3rd. It’s time for BINGO with the Primetimers from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the Ministry Center. Sharpen whatever skills might possibly be needed for BINGO and head to Gashland with snack in hand to share, if you able to do that. Last name begins A-H bring something sweet; last name begins I-Q bring a snack in the salty family; last name begins R-Z bring something healthy, i.e. fruits or vegetables. See all of you Primetimers on the 3rd!

Women’s Night of Worship Save the Date

Please save the date for Women’s Night of Worship August 25th at 6:30 pm. All women from GEPC and their friends are invited to attend this time to worship, prayer, connection, and to provide an opportunity to hear about Women’s Ministry offerings for the upcoming year.

Save the date for the Mother-Son Amazing Race

Our next family discipleship event will be an Amazing Race for moms and sons. We will be hosting this on Saturday, September 28 from 1:00 – 3:00pm in the Worship Center. This is for boys ages 4 through 5th grade and their mom, grandma, aunt or any other special mother-like figure! The cost will be $15 per family and $5 for each additional adult. An official invitation with information on how to register will follow but in the meantime please mark your calendars for an afternoon of fun activities, competition and fellowship! If you have a grandson or nephew who doesn’t attend Gashland we’d still love to have you join us!

Assistant Pastor of Community Search Update

Thank you for continuing to pray for Gashland’s future Assistant Pastor of Community and for the deliberations and discernment of the Search Team. We have received a number of applications and have begun to conduct preliminary interviews. We are encouraged by the applications we have received and are excited about what God has in store for our congregation. We appreciate your prayers, both for wisdom for the Search Team and that God would bring us a man after His own heart.

Outreach Collection | City Union Mission

We will be collecting in July for City Union Mission, Toilet Paper and Canned Fruit. Donations can be placed in the Brown Mission Boxes during the week. One is located in the upstairs lobby by the Office under the TV or downstairs in the Ministry Center’s Lobby by the south double doors. OR FOR 2 Sunday’s ONLY, Joyce Grady will have her silver beige Sedona Van from 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. parked by the patio on the east side of the Church for dropping off your donations on Sunday July 21st and Sunday July 28th. Thank you and God Bless You!