Joint Worship Service 2/16 – Josh’s Ordination Service
On Sunday February 16th we will have a joint service at 11am in the ministry center to officially install and ordain Josh Lee as our Assistant Pastor of Community! There will be no 8:30am service on this morning. However, we will have our normal Sunday School hour from 9:45-10:45am! We are excited to worship with you on this morning and give thanks to God for what the Lord has done in calling Josh Lee to serve as a pastor at Gashland EPC!
Volunteers Needed | Little Lambs Ministry
Our congregation has been blessed with growing numbers in our Little Lambs Ministry! We have several new children including infants and toddlers. Due to this growth, we are in need of additional volunteers to help shape and grow our littlest disciples!
Little Lambs serves children ages 0-3. We care for babies and toddlers by tending to their needs for comfort, play, and exploration, while sharing God’s Word in simple age-appropriate ways. Training is provided for volunteers who wish to lead Bible stories as well as those who prefer to assist. Please contact Amanda Ewing at amanda@gashland.org if you are interested in more information about this opportunity.
Morning Circle Study | February 11th
All women are welcome to share in the study of Scripture, corporate prayer and fellowship, as Women’s Circle Study meets at 10:00 am on Tuesday, February 11th.
We will gather in the Fellowship Hall to study another of the “I Am” statements of Jesus from the New Testament. No preparation is needed, as a study guide is provided. Inclement weather cancellation is the meeting follows NKCSD closures. Contact either Cindy Harris (816-419-2650) or Nancy Williams ( 816-312-8456) if you have questions.
Child Safety and Protection
For the safety and protection of our children, we are initiating a new procedure of closing the Children’s Hall while children’s programs are in session. As such, we are asking that adults use the upstairs restrooms during Children’s Sunday School, Children’s Church and KidsQuest. The Children’s Hall will be roped off on Sundays, 9:45a-10:45a (Children’s Sunday School) and 11:30a-12:15p (Children’s Church), and Wednesdays, 6:30p-7:45p (KidsQuest). Thank you for your consideration in this matter, and for supporting our efforts to keep the children safe.
Martha Circle | February 18th
Martha Circle, a Scripture, Prayer and Fellowship Group open to all women, will meet Tuesday evening, February 18, 2025 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the church. We will be studying James 3:1-18 from our study book James Genuine Faith, Chapter 4 entitled Tongues on Fire. Please come prepared to take part in the discussions. We will have a dessert to share. Bring your own choice of beverage. Mission collection for February is City Union Mission. They can use toilet paper, all sizes of canned green beans, corn, carrots, mixed vegetables, peaches, pears and fruit cocktail. Anyone who is interested in learning more about Jesus is welcome! Please contact Linda Reeve at 816-550-9128 for more information.
Reset: A Men’s Retreat | Last Call
Men of Gashland, it’s time to RESET! Join us at God’s Mountain for a 2-night retreat designed to help you step away, connect with other men, and grow closer to the Lord. The retreat begins Thursday, February 20th, with check-in starting at 6 PM and a welcome program at 8 PM. We’ll return Saturday, February 22nd, by 9 AM. Can’t stay overnight? No problem! You’re welcome to join us Friday for meals, fellowship, and activities. The suggested donation is $35, covering food and programming, but don’t let cost stop you from attending. Heated cabins, great meals, and activities, including a gun range, await you. Sign up by February 16th at https://gashland.org/reset-mensretreat/ or Look for a signup in the lobby. Take this chance to refresh, recharge, and reconnect. We’d love to see you there!
Being Blessed/Blessing Others
Sometimes life becomes complicated, i.e. new baby in the home, medical procedure, unexpected emergency, and the boost of a couple of meals being brought in can make all the difference. Sometimes we are in a stage of life where we can help by making that meal and bringing it over to someone in need. If you would like to be added to the pool of people who can occasionally help with making meals, please contact Barb Ryczek at Barbryczek@gmail.com or 913/530-3395.
Interested in joining a homebound group at GEPC?
Are you homebound all of the time or sometimes? I want to start a group for socialization for you. Sign up by texting Glenna Love at 816-679-6365 or you can email her at 1truefriend.70@gmail.com by February 15th. I will contact you once I receive the names and you will be able to help with the decisions about how this group will be put together. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Save the date for a Mother Daughter Tea
We will be hosting our second annual Mother Daughter Tea on Sunday, March 30 from 3:30 – 5:00pm. This is for girls ages 4 through 5th grade and their mom, grandma, aunt or any other special mother-like figure! An official invitation with details and information on how to register will follow but in the meantime please mark your calendars for an afternoon of fun and fellowship! If you have a granddaughter or niece who doesn’t attend Gashland we’d still love to have you join us!
Family Fellowship Night | Wednesdays
Every Wednesday at 6:00pm we will have Family Fellowship Night. We will eat dinner together and then break off into various discipleship groups: KidsQuest (Children’s Ministry), Refresh (Student Ministries) and Conversations (Adult Ministry).
What did Jesus mean when he told his disciples, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21) What does it mean to live the Sent life Jesus calls his disciples to? We will be going through a book called “Sent – Living A Life that Invites Others to Jesus” by Heather and A. Holleman.
Endowment Fund: 2024 Year-End-Review
The Endowment Fund reached an all time record high of $87,637 last November and finished 2024 with $85,237 ( an increase of 18.8%. Since November of 2020 the Endowment Fund has grown $38,586. The growth has been a combination of wise investments (84.5%) and contributions (15.5%).
Our goal is to reach $125,000 so the fund can start being used for a variety of projects around and within the ministry of the Church going forward. Please prayerfully consider contributing to the Endowment Fund in 2025. The finance team thanks you.
Outreach Collection for February – City Union Mission
City Union Mission has been serving the Kansas City area for 100 years now by providing shelter, meals, clothing, training, and recovery programs for men, women and children. For February we are collecting Toilet Paper and Canned (all sizes) Green Beans, Corn, Carrots, Mixed Vegetables, Peaches, Pears and Fruit Cocktail. To make things easier for you, Joyce Grady will park her silver beige Sedona Van from 9:30 am to 10:55 am by the patio on the east side of church for dropping off your donation on Sunday February 23rd. Donations can also be put in the Mission Boxes during the week located on the 2nd floor under the TV by the Office and downstairs in the Ministry Center Lobby by the double red doors. Thank you and God Bless You!
Sleeping Mat Fellowship/Workshop sponsored by the Outreach Team | February 16th
On February 16th after the second worship service, the Outreach Team will host a fellowship time in Fellowship Hall for those interested in helping in any capacity with making sleeping mats for the homeless from plastic store bags. We are realizing that we will never be able to mass produce these mats, but many hands make light work. At the fellowship, we will be receiving bags, preparing bags for assembling mats, teaching the current method for turning the prepped bags into mats, and finally distributing materials to those interested in making mats at home. No skills are necessary to participate in this project. Please RSVP to davidmlefebvre@hotmail.com or by text to 913-219-2585 as we would like to share chili and what ever attendees would like to bring to supplement the chili. We will end the fellowship/workshop with a time of prayer for the homeless and God’s leading as we seek to serve them.