Refreshing Hearts for Christ
Gashland Student Ministries
At Gashland, we want to see students love Jesus, live as family, and look to the fields. To develop this, we have weekly and quarterly events designed to develop students’ hearts and minds for Christ and their neighbor. We want our students to know, experience, and serve Jesus in all their relationships, in their schools and in their community, to the ends of the world. We would love to see your student join us at Gashland and connect with other students and adults who love Jesus and want to know him more!
If you would like to join our weekly communications and monthly newsletter, please contact josiah@gashland.org
Here is a list of our regular weekly events that we invite your student to come out to one week!
Midweek Events
1.) GROM: Middle School Students
When: 5:30pm – 6:00pm every Wednesday
Who: Middle School Students in 6-8th grade
Description: GROM is a student ministry focused on memorizing the Word of God. The students are currently working through a curriculum called Bible Memory Project. For more information, check out: https://biblememproject.com
2.) Refresh Youth Group
When: 6:00pm – 8:00pm every Wednesday
Who: Students in grades 6-12
Description: Every Wednesday our students gather to enjoy a meal together in the gym and then we gather in the youth room for games, worship, and a lesson from God’s word. Afterwards, we have breakouts where the students get into smaller groups to discuss how they can apply what they learned in their lives.
Sunday Mornings
1.) Sunday School Classes
When: 9:45am-10:45am
Description: We offer middle school and high school classes for students to attend to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and their friends. Currently, both groups are studying a book of the Bible
2.) Worship Service
When 11:00am – 12:15
Description: After Sunday School, our students come together again to sit in worship. This is a powerful opportunity for your students to come, sing songs, hear the gospel preached, and to do so alongside other students.
What to expect on a Sunday Morning:
At Gashland, you will find a diverse group of people who are united in their love for Jesus Christ. You will see some people wearing slacks or dresses, some wearing jeans or shorts. We don’t want you to worry about what you’re wearing, we just want you to come and feel welcome! As you enter through the main doors, you will find greeters to welcome you and answer any questions you might have.