Sound & Tech Ministry
June 2022 | Written by Barb Ryczek
Before I begin to share some thoughts from members of our Tech & Sound ministry, I did some research on church sound and what the Bible tells us about the importance of a good sound system. Church sound has changed since the days of Solomon’s Temple because of the invention of sound boards, microphones, amplifiers, and visual projection. What hasn’t changed is that the message of God’s good news needs to come across clearly with no sound cutting in or out or loud feedback. Author Joseph DeBuglio asks the question, “How can a church have a great sound for all aspects of a worship service?” Read about Solomon’s Temple in 1 Kings 5,6,7 but here is what 1 Kings 6:29 says: “On the walls all around the temple, in both the inner and outer rooms he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers.” DeBuglio explains that the purpose of the carvings described in the temple was to manage sound.This was important or it would not have been included in the Bible.
Members of the Tech/Sound ministry team were asked, why is this ministry important to God? Landon Welch answered, “This outreach is proclaimed in Mark 16:15, ‘And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.’”” Eric Adams explains, “As God wants our best, it is important that we pursue excellence so that worship and preaching are not only unencumbered, but also enhanced.” Therese Blakley says, “It allows us to reach those that may be searching for spiritual truth.” She adds that “It helps us reach those that are not able to attend in person due to physical or health restrictions. It helps us worship God better when we can see words or pictures on the screen.”
As a follow-up, the team was asked why it should be important to the congregation of the church. Eric told me, “If we pursue excellence, then the congregation will not notice the sound team and will be free to worship God.” Landon followed up with, “The congregation has this opportunity to worship, praising God with their uplifted voices, and exclaim to all that will hear, that God is good.” Therese added, “It is definitely an outreach to those that can’t be here. In second service, we can sing without song books.”
As for how the team has seen God work in the Tech & Sound ministry this year, Landon explained, “Each week that I am involved in the process, I am blessed in experiencing a well-oiled machine. From the audio/visual checks to the smooth operating speed to the internet. There are several people that dedicate their time and efforts toward these goals. God’s people are generous with their time and talent.” Eric adds, “I have enjoyed getting to know everyone that serves on the sound, tech, and worship teams.” Therese works with Livestream and Keynote to make virtual worship possible, as well as displaying song lyrics on the screen for the second service: “Our software and process has become much more stable and reliable. I pray before each Sunday that our tools will allow us to do our job and make worship possible for anyone who is not able to attend church in person and a good experience for those present in the worship center.”

Then, “The team was asked, what are their hopes and prayers for this ministry?” Eric responded, “I hope that we continue to grow in our skills and adapt to continual change in technology.” Landon conveys, “We continually pray for stable church infrastructure, the machines to keep turning on, the cameras/projectors to cooperate, sound voices, and an atmosphere of praise.” Therese agrees, “I pray that our performance goes smoothly so that everyone at home and at church are able to worship without sound issues or other technical things that we can’t always control.” Finally, “What can the congregation do to help or pray for the Tech/Sound ministry team? Landon states, “we could always use more volunteers. Training is on the job, so you don’t have to be an expert from the start. I barely know what I am doing, but it is rewarding.” Therese imparts, “It would be wonderful to have one or two more volunteers to help. When we were doing Keynote slides, we had 4 people plus 1 who would take the 5th Sunday. It would be nice to get back to a once-a-month schedule and that would allow flexibility when someone is out of town or has other church responsibilities. She also suggests that a second Livestream license would allow volunteers to attend Sunday School instead of waiting for first service to sign out so second service can practice and set up. The sound team likes to do a soundcheck which requires Livestream to be up and going live.”
I personally want to thank this team for all of their hard work during the pandemic. With their expertise the church body was able to continue worship in our homes each week and still hear the word of God preached. While isolated, we were able to connect in this very important way.