I Can’t Do This Alone
August 2022 | Written by Dan Cogan, Chief Communications Officer at Resource Health,
Edited by Steve Moberg
Her words hit my heart as I listened. There’s always a reason women feel like abortion is their only option. Usually, it comes from a deep place of pain and difficulty.
“I can’t do this alone,” Eva said. Tears fell softly on her cheeks as she sat before me, hands clasped tightly on her lap. She was seventeen and terrified.
I learned where her loneliness came from as she shared that only her boyfriend knew about the baby, and his solution was for her to have an abortion.
She spoke of her fears. Fear of the shame she anticipated from her religious parents. Fear of the disappointment she expected from her mother (who gave birth to Eva at sixteen). Fear of loneliness if her boyfriend left her.
“I never thought I would consider abortion, but that’s what I’m going to do.” Her words were clear, but her tone was full of emotion and heartache.
We talked about abortion together and watched an animated informational video about first-trimester abortion. Eva’s eyes widened when she realized that a baby at her early stage of pregnancy had a heartbeat.
“I had no idea,” she said quietly. “I thought an abortion was quick and simple, like a period.”
A week later, she came back to Resource Health for an ultrasound. As she checked in at the front desk, I noticed that she had a guest with her. It was her mom. She had told her mom about the baby, and her mom came to support her even though Eva was so afraid of the rejection she might encounter.
We saw a miraculous little heartbeat during the ultrasound, strong and steady. At the end of the ultrasound appointment, Eva held the first photos of her baby in her hands, and I saw a faint smile come across her face.
She chose life!

At Resource Health, we’re often asked how the recent Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade will impact our work. We’re so grateful to the Lord for this development—one that, for decades, we’ve prayed for! However, surgical abortion is still considered legal in many states, and medical abortion is easily accessible online.
Our commitment remains the same—providing compassionate care to men and women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Since medical abortions now make up the majority, we’ve made a strategic shift to intercept abortion-minded individuals before they order abortion pills online. We are working to open our first 24/7 Virtual Center. This center will exist to offer answers and resources to empower abortion-minded men and women to choose life.
Please pray that this strategy will prove effective and that our ministry will continue to be used by the Lord, making a difference across generations.
In October we at Gashland will be doing a Baby Bottle Drive for Resource Health. Keep an eye on The Link for details to come!