Local Missions Update:
Eleos Ministries
February 2022 | Written by Catie Harbor, Edited by Steve Moberg
You may recognize the name Eleos Ministries from the coffee which is served during the fellowship time between services on Sunday mornings. Or perhaps you remember that Phil Pace, the former worship leader for our 11:00 AM service, used to lead this organization.
But if you’re not completely familiar with them, Eleos Ministries is a coffee house located in Northeast Kansas City. Their mission is to glorify God and be a catalyst for community transformation. They primarily serve their neighbors around Independence Avenue — many of whom are struggling with homelessness, poverty, addiction and prostitution.
Eleos Ministries (Eleos is the Greek word for “mercy”) offers a variety of resources to help people step out of dysfunctional situations, including daily Bible studies, an art class, and community events throughout the year. But above all, they seek to share the Gospel and offer hope and salvation in Jesus Christ.
The people at Eleos serve in a difficult context and face many challenges, such as dealing with volatile personalities, “gaining traction” in the midst of so much dysfunction, and combating deep-rooted traumas and mindsets.
Yet they celebrate the victories. This past year, they helped a man get off the streets, into an apartment, and begin formulating a small cleaning business. He was a war veteran who had been homeless for over 20 years. They also assisted two other individuals in transitioning off the streets and into apartments – one of whom is launching a small business of car detailing. The Eleos staff helped him create business cards and served as his first “clients.” Overall, their biggest “success” comes from bringing people into a sense of family and helping them grow in their knowledge of the Gospel.
As you may recall, Gashland holds a yearly coat/blanket/warm clothing drive, with your contributions being donated to Eleos. Robin Bowin, the new GEPC Outreach Team contact for Eleos, says “I’d be happy to provide our church family with any information (needs, donations, how to volunteer, etc.). This is a much needed and fantastic ministry!”