Gashland Family,
One of the burdens of the Christian is to seek the will of God for our lives. We often evaluate past experiences, spiritual gifts, opportunities and even weaknesses to discern what God is calling us to. There is a similar opportunity we take as a local church to determine God’s call and will for us at Gashland.
Through prayer, circumstances and opportunities, the leadership of Gashland believes we have the ability to once and for all eliminate the debt of our church. God has given us an incredible facility. It is is our hope that it has been used in powerful ways for His Kingdom over the years. But the debt our church incurred several decades ago for this facility has constrained various aspects of our ministries. Every year as we make our annual budget we are forced to cut costs in ministry areas to make things balance.
Because of some unique gifts of members of the church toward eliminating the debt, hearing the support of many who lived through the “leaner times” of Gashland before we arrived, and seeing the leadership God has put into place, we discern that God is providing us with a unique opportunity in the Debt Free in ’23 campaign. This effort would have a lasting impact that would free up resources every year allowing our ministry teams to live out their visions and give us the opportunity to disciple and impact the lives of others.
This brings us back to how this letter began. Each of us is called to seek God with all of our lives, asking Him how He desires us to use our time, gifts, finances, and our lives. God has individual plans for each of us and I’d ask you to reflect specifically if God would have you participate in this initiative to become “Debt Free in ’23.” This is an effort that will take more than just a handful of us but rather, one that will require us to work and give together as a church family. We simply ask that you seek God on whether He is calling you to give sacrificially to this effort. He will guide and answer each of us differently in this process of seeking Him. But when you hear from Him, whatever direction it may be, we simply ask that you are obedient to His leading. This is true not simply in this instance, but in all aspects of life.
We are confident that our church family is ready for the challenge presented by this campaign. Would you consider entering boldly into this endeavor with the rest of Gashland, believing in God’s provision and His call on us to continue to further His Kingdom.
Please examine this flier carefully, praying for His leadership as you do. With a heart full of gratitude and faith, we ask you to consider your part. What you may give is a personal decision between you and God. May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His name be glorified in this endeavor.
In His Love,
Ritchey Cable, Pastor
Michael Morefield, Associate Pastor
We just ask that you prayerfully consider if you can give to help this campaign and if so, by how much. You can make a one-time contribution or pledge to give on a monthly basis over the next 3 years. If you are interested in giving, pledge cards will be mailed to your home, available at church, and can be submitted through the form below.
Please contact the Financial Secretary, Marlene Weatherford, at, if you decide to adjust this amount so that the leadership can exercise good stewardship. Thank you!