Welcome to
The Porch,
a publication of Gashland EPC.

During the New Testament time, Solomon’s Porch was a place where discussions occurred. Relationships were developed and life was lived in this place that fostered community and knowledge. Jesus has a discussion at Solomon’s Porch in John 10 where He engages with the questions of the religious leaders. It is also where Peter in Acts 3 would explain the Old Testament in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Acts 5 as well, it is the location where people in need went for healing. It was in this community space where questions were answered, people learned about God, and those in need received help and healing.
In many ways, that is our hope for this newsletter. We desire for this to be a tool that brings the Gashland family together, challenging us and informing us of God’s work in our midst. Each month, we will engage with articles that introduce us to members of the church in a new way, dive into theological aspects of God and His Word, and receive updates on members of the Gashland family as we celebrate birthdays, baptisms, and other events together. We will share life together in these pages and find connection points to discuss when we see one another in person.
We welcome your submissions, especially creative work related to faith, such as poems, nonfiction/fiction pieces, and artworks. We also welcome any suggestions you might have for article topics and/or people to interview. The editorial team reserves the right to determine the suitability of suggestions and articles for publication and edit them for accuracy and length. In the case of original written work, you will be given a chance to review any edits our team makes prior to publication. Article submissions can be emailed to porch@gashland.org