Gashland Family,
We have several challenges we wanted to make you aware of as we look at tomorrow’s worship services.
First, we have been watching the growing number of COVID infections impact our nation and we have certainly been touched by this locally as well. Many of our staff, volunteers and members are ill or have family members who are sick.
Secondly, outside of having a general concern for those who are not well, this has also created a staffing challenge for many of our usual Sunday morning ministries.
Finally, tomorrow also presents several weather related challenges with ice, snow and dangerous temperatures. We have concern not only for those who might drive to the service, but also for those seeking to navigate our sidewalks/parking lots that will be very difficult to de-ice at such low temperatures.
Given all of this, we recognize that many if not most of our congregation would be more comfortable worshipping virtually tomorrow. This is the leadership’s recommendation to our church family as well. Please stay safe and enjoy the service from your home. We will be canceling all other ministries in the morning (Little Lambs, Sunday School, FirstTeam, Coffee Ministries, Tech Team, etc.) If you are a volunteer, you are under no obligation to attend tomorrow.
For any who still desire to join us physically, please consider the risks and know that we will be spacing and wearing masks this week to protect one another. The in-person experience may also feel different as our chief concern tomorrow will be to design everything around the virtual experience. Finally, we will also be postponing communion to next week to give more people an opportunity to participate.
Know that we are praying for you all, for safety and health during this time. We look forward to worshipping with everyone in the morning. May God bless you all in this New Year!
The Session of Gashland