Discipleship Theme for 2025:
Gashland EPC – In the Word Together
The Gashland Discipleship Team is reviving the tradition of designating a discipleship theme for our congregation for the new year. Our focus in 2025 will be the Spiritual Disciplines, consisting of reading scripture, prayer, worship, and stewardship. In the first quarter of 2025, we will be focusing on scripture intake. Learning to read and love God’s Word is foundational to our faith, and we want to encourage all of the Gashland family to take up the challenge to read the New Testament together in the first quarter of 2025.
By reading about three chapters a day, one can make it through the New Testament in just three months. We have an introduction to this Spiritual Discipline as well as the 90-day reading plan available at the back of the church.
- For a digital copy of the Bible Reading Plan you can download it on YouVersion (Free Bible App): https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/18692-the-new-testament-in-90-days
- To join the conversation with others who are going through the Bible reading plan you can join the GroupMe Chat here (Gashland EPC – In the Word Together): https://groupme.com/join_group/105201777/vun2u2ZE
Family Fellowship Night | Starts January 22nd
Starting every Wednesday at 6:00pm we will have Family Fellowship Night. We will eat dinner together and then break off into various discipleship groups: KidsQuest (Children’s Ministry), Refresh (Student Ministries) and Conversations (Adult Ministry).
What did Jesus mean when he told his disciples, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21) What does it mean to live the Sent life Jesus calls his disciples to? We will be going through a book called “Sent – Living A Life that Invites Others to Jesus” by Heather and A. Holleman.
The format will be a Guide will teach for a brief time, then there will be group discussion, some more teaching, and then group discussion. We will cover one chapter per week and while reading before the meeting is encouraged, you can still participate if you didn’t have a chance to read.
How do I get the book? You can pick one up on the day of our meeting (suggested donation of $10 per book). Or you can purchase your own book.
RESET: A Men’s Retreat – Sign Up Now!
Men of Gashland, it’s time to RESET! Join us for an epic 2-night getaway at God’s Mountain, just 45 minutes northeast of the church. From the evening of February 20th and coming home the morning of the 22nd, we’ll connect, recharge, and grow closer to each other and the Lord. Heated cabins, great food, structured teaching, and activities like a gun range await you. (bring your gear!)
Open to men 21+. Suggested donation is $35, but don’t let cost hold you back—just talk to Aaron or Barry. Find full details and sign up today at gashland.org/reset-mensretreat
Martha Circle | January 21st
Martha Circle, a Scripture, Prayer and Fellowship Group open to all women, will meet Tuesday evening, January 21, 2025 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the church. We will be studying James 2: 14-26 from our study book James Genuine Faith, Chapter 3 entitled Faith Works. Please come prepared to take part in the discussions. We will have a dessert to share. Bring your own beverage. Mission collection for January is $10 Quiktrip gift cards for Resource Health Fueling Fathers program. Anyone who is interested in learning more about Jesus is welcome! Please contact Linda Reeve at 816-550-9128 for more information.
2024 Giving Statements
The 2024 giving statements have been mailed. We have a different system than last year so the statements will look different. If you have questions about your statement or don’t receive one, please contact financial secretary, Marlene Weatherford at 816-734-8133.
Primetimer Potluck | February 8th
If you are 50 and above, this is for YOU. Who doesn’t want an evening of good food, a time to visit with others, and an opportunity for laughter? It is time for a potluck – the food was fantastic last time – and a fun activity after our dinner. Please bring the dish that corresponds to what your last name begins with. A-H: Dessert. I-P: Main dish. Q-Z: Side dish. This great evening will take place Saturday, February 8th, 5:30 pm in the Ministry Center. See you then.
Ladies Save the date | “In the Garden” Lenten Reflection
The Women’s Ministry Team is pleased to invite all GEPC women to join us on Saturday, March 1, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. until 3:00 pm. for our “In the Garden” Lenten Reflection. This special day will be held at The Brim, located at 14150 NW Walker Road, Kansas City, MO 64163. Snacks and lunch will be provided for a suggested donation of $10.00 per person. Our special guest speaker will be Kristin Lee and there will be music and creative outlets in which to participate. Registration cards will be available on February 2nd and February 9th at both worship services. Please make plans to join us on March 1st!
Around the Table is back for February
Ladies – Around the Table is back for February 2025. Creating connections as our women share a simple meal and gospel-centered conversation. Six women enjoying two hours around one table! To sign up, visit our lobby table January 19th and 26th. If you can’t sign up in person, email women@gashland.org or call Beth Schupp for a list of the upcoming dates and to sign up.
Save the date for Breakaway 2025
Breakaway Field Days will be held June 2-6 from 8:30am – 12:30pm. This is one of our largest outreach events of the year and is always an exciting week! We need many volunteers to make this a success though! We have various roles and something for volunteers of all ages. We will also have a nursery for younger kids of volunteers. Official volunteer signups will happen this spring but please mark your calendars to help with Breakaway in the meantime!
Outreach Collection for January – Resource Health
Fueling Fathers
Fueling Fathers is a practical way to support dads and moms by enabling them to travel to and from “Dads Matter” and “Mom Strong” education classes. You can help by placing $10 QuikTrip gift cards, cash, or checks in one of the red “Fueling Fathers” gas cans on the red tables in either lobby.