YoungLife Update
September 2022 | Written by Michelle Jankovich, edited by Steve Moberg
“The last several months of Young Life in Liberty have been ones to remember.” That’s the assessment of Michelle Jankovich, who until recently was the Area Director of Young Life in Liberty. Michelle says “We finished the school year meeting regularly each week with a variety of different events including: our big weekly gatherings called Club, smaller Bible-study gatherings called Campaigners, and a few outreach events where we share food and talk about life called Over the Table. After having to be flexible over the course of the last few years due to unprecedented circumstances, it finally feels like we are back rolling with new life and new momentum in our ministries.”
Michelle had the privilege of taking kids on a Winter Weekend to Clearwater Cove in December. “Camp is an opportunity for kids to experience close, intimate relationships with Jesus, as well as navigating questions together in cabins. It’s also a place for them to experience joy, laughter, and true friendship with one another.”
Also during the second semester, the Young Life group hosted a Dessert Fundraising Banquet in March to share stories with the local community with the hopes that more people would partner with them in both leadership and financial ways. Michelle says “we were super happy with how the banquet went this year and hope the momentum will continue with new involvement for folks as we jump into the fall semester.”
Following the Winter trip, they took a group of 30 kids to Timberwolf Lake in Lake City, Michigan, for summer camp. Michelle says the kids had arguably the best week of their lives. “Camp really is a magical experience and allows the Lord to work in the lives of our friends with no distractions from social media, phones, friends back home, and the obligations and stress they experience during their typical routines. It’s a great opportunity for kids to internalize and ask questions that they may have never taken the time to consider. It’s always a great blessing to share that with our high school friends.”
As alluded to at the beginning of this story, Michelle has some exciting career news. “As of August 1, I have officially shifted from being the Area Director in Liberty to coming on as the Area Director in Platte County where I will oversee ministry at three different high schools (Park Hill, Park Hill South, and Platte County High School), many middle schools, and will help develop more leadership community around Young Life in PC. I am grateful and excited for this new opportunity and feel like this is the proper step in my career, to be able to use my giftings alongside many of my peers to benefit kids and adults in Platte County. We can’t wait to see all that God will do in the next several years!”
Michelle is also grateful for the people of Gashland who have helped her. “Thank you again for all your continued support of me personally and the ministry of Young Life. Without people like you coming alongside us, none of this would be possible. Blessings to you all!”