Mercy Ministries

Gashland’s Mercy Team guides several ministries carried out by our gracious volunteers. If you are in need of help, or if you know a church member in need, there are many Gashland brothers and sisters that would be delighted and blessed to be able to share their gifts in this way. You can contact the Mercy Team by emailing us at

Care Team

Volunteers from this ministry make in-person visits and phone calls.

Memorial Meals

The Memorial Meals Ministry is dedicated to providing and serving a meal to families after the celebration and honoring of a loved one’s life.

Compassion Meals

This ministry has a broader focus than Memorial Meals, and is used to organize meal trains for many different occasions, such as new births, illness, injuries, or similar life events.


The HelpNet ministry provides a network of volunteers that can help with simple needs and repairs around the house or yard. This could include changing batteries in a smoke alarm or shoveling a snowy driveway.

Mercy Fund

Click here to fill out the Mercy Fund form and let us know how we can help!