September 2023 | Written by Barbara Ryczek
At Gashland EPC, September is the month that our school year Sunday school teachers begin to teach again. This article will be an introduction to the Sunday school teachers and assistants featuring their years of service and highlights of working in Sunday school.
Barb Lacy teaches the PreK and Kindergarten Sunday school class. She was a teacher for many years in the classroom and brings her skills of working with children to Gashland’s Sunday school hour. Barb has taught Sunday school for 6 years and will begin this year by teaching about the birth of Moses. (She is not in the picture because she was attending her daughter’s wedding.)
Beth Liebling has helped with PreK and Kindergarten after working in the church nursery for many years. She refers to that time as “life on the carpet.” Beth remembers that listening to children is very important and she enjoys learning what the children know when they come to class. It excites Beth that these small children know that Jesus can come into their hearts and lives.
Ruth Wiersma has been teaching Sunday school for 10 years. She is the Sunday school teacher for the 1st-3rd grades at Gashland. Ruth has also been a 2nd grade teacher in a Christian school in Colorado for 28 years. Ruth states, “I love kids and I want the kids in Sunday school to grow in their love for God and His word. Building relationships with the children is something I enjoy and I am so grateful for the opportunity to use my gift at Gashland!”
Debbie Schull has been a Sunday school teacher for over 40 years. She assisted her husband, Rev. Harley Schull at the Grinnell Nazarene Church and worked in all aspects of the Children’s Programs. She has been a Sunday school assistant for 3 years at Gashland. She enjoys doing crafts with the students centering around the week’s lesson. Debbie assisted her daughter Jennifer Wallace with 4th and 5th grade students but will switch classrooms assisting Ruth Wiersma this year with the 1st-3rd grades.
Jennifer Wallace has been a Sunday school teacher for 10 years at Gashland working with 4th and 5th grade students. Jennifer enjoys working with this age student as she also teaches the same age students at Outreach Christian Education. Guiding students in their knowledge of Scripture is a highlight for Jennifer.