International Missions Update:
Avant Ministries
March 2022 | Written by Francesco Arco, Edited by Steve Moberg
Francesco and Claudia Arco are Avant Ministries missionaries serving in Italy. They will visit Kansas City this month, and will attend and speak at Conversations on Wednesday, March 9th. Meanwhile, they tell us that the last year has been a very blessed year of the Lord.
Advances of the Incontro con Gesu Church (Encounter with Jesus)
They have a slightly growing community, but also a spiritual one. There are new believers, some who are growing in communion and biblical knowledge. There are different face-to-face discipleships … special encounters for men and women.
The Arcos’ ministry includes establishing a new church in the Piedmont region in the rural area of Tortona. Laying the foundation there goes on, including two young couples who are starting a meeting with Jesus in their home. The Arcos report “We are enthusiastic because there is a great joy to preach the Gospel, have communion among believers and testify of His love around us.” They say they are also filled with joy due to the baptism of a man named Billy and because he is persevering in seeking God’s face, studying the word and praying.
Mani del Maestro (Hands of the Master)
“Thanks be to God who allowed us to realize our great dream, that of buying a hall for church and volunteer activities, thanks to all the supporters in prayer and financial supporters for their gifts.” The Arcos say, “We have collected more than 80% of the budget, we have been able to almost completely renovate the room which, however, is already operational and only missing some things that God is giving us little by little.”
They are using this hall for the glory of God and are hoping to reach more people with the gospel. For this year, they aim to undertake the activities of music rehearsal, music lessons and compiling the practices that will allow them to maintain expenses independently.
The Arcos tell us “this year has been a very stressful year due to the huge workload. We are trying to organize the activities and the time well, and delegate many things to the church members.” Hopefully that will allow them to decrease their other activities so they can concentrate on the preaching of the word.
They ask for your prayers for their trip to the US, that they may have a good time with their contacts and the churches they will visit, and for all the brothers and sisters who, with their commitment and passion for God’s work in Italy, are partners in the Gospel with the Arcos. As mentioned earlier, the Arcos will be at GEPC, attending and speaking at Conversations on Wednesday, March 9th.

If you are interested in supporting the Arcos on a monthly basis, send them an e-mail or donate directly on-line at
To give by regular mail: Make the check payable to Avant Ministries, include a separate note designating the gift for Francesco and Claudia Arco, Act #12087, and mail to:
Avant Ministries
10000 N Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64155
Thank God for Billy’s baptism, may he grow to be the perfect Christ image
For the discipleship we are having with Matteo, Luca Christian, Billy, Flavio, Simone, Jonathan, Gustavo, Ernesto, who can truly be men firm in the faith who are a good witness for others
For the growth of the women’s group, Luciana, Lucy, Elaine, Edlira, Miriam, Jenny, Marcy, Nunzia, and Natividad
That Claudia can train a couple of women who are capable of guiding and discipling other women
For future elders: Esmael, Victor and Christian
That this year we can create an 18-month biblical internship, with the network of churches we belong to (Acts 29) and to appoint them elders of the church.
That our help service to the population can grow through the activities of the hands of the teacher and that we can train new volunteers for all practical work
That we can complete the fundraiser and arrange the last details of the room
For the counseling service we will offer to the neighborhood, which will give us the opportunity to reach more and more people with the Gospel