Artist’s Corner
Go Ye Into All the World | Binny Pearce

I have been a member of Gashland for 40+ years, serving as elder several times, leader of women’s ministries, leader of coordinating five women’s retreats, on two pastor searches, the cook team, and teacher of adult classes. Bill and my son, Brad, is one of our church’s missionaries, working for YoungLife.
I became motivated to learn to paint from an aptitude test I took that showed my highly creative side, so I thought I would try to develop that area in some form. I started with oils and then switched to acrylics. This artwork is acrylics. It is faster to work with, and I am always urgent. However, I never considered myself an artist. I only painted when I wanted something for a wall in my house or a gift for a friend. But when Sarah Sporrer and Ellie McGinty wanted me to paint a large picture for the lobby, I agreed to give it a try.
The idea originated from the prayer cards I had describing the work of YoungLife leaders in the 105 counties they serve. They are taking the Great Commission seriously and literally. Thus the suggestion of “all the world” in abstract form and the charge we all have as believers from Mark 16:14.
What do you see?
- What do you notice? Colors, patterns, shapes? Where do your eyes immediately go to or keep returning back to?
- Is there anything that surprises you in this piece?
- Mark 16:14 says, “And He [Jesus] said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” How does reading this Scripture change how you look at this piece? How might this piece help you read this Scripture in a new light?
- This piece is in the Ministry Center lobby, in between the Outreach Collection Box and the Missions Board. How might this placement of the piece in our church help you think about this command differently?
- What gifts has God given you to use to take the good news into all the world?