Caitlin Palmer
February 2021 | Written by Maribeth Griessel
The Editorial Board for The Porch will be highlighting various Gashland Staff Members and leaders over the next several months. Our first “Get to Know” person is in her third year, serving as Ministry Communications Director. If you enter the church office, follow the hallway, and travel as far as you can go, you’ll find her office.
Caitlin Palmer joined GEPC following graduation in 2017 from Park University with a BS in Graphic Design. Her responsibilities here include the weekly Sunday bulletin as well as our newest publication, this newsletter dubbed The Porch.
God works in His own special ways to supply our needs….Miss Palmer was attending a soccer game at Park University with a friend, who happens to be the niece of church member Diane Fry, also in attendance. During a conversation with Diane, Caitlin mentioned she was seeking employment in her field, Diane replied that her church was seeking someone with her skill set and education, and God met both the needs of this new college graduate and Gashland!
At this same time, Caitlin was recuperating from ankle reconstruction following a soccer injury. Her passion for the sport extends to one of her favorite activities, coaching children’s soccer teams. She has worked with little ones as young as two years of age (we must ask, how on earth do you teach a two year old to play soccer?!!) up to her current group, 10-11 year old girls.
A native of Gladstone, Caitlin graduated from Winnetonka High School, then attended Maplewoods Community College, as well as Park University, on soccer scholarships. The youngest of two children, she has a brother, Russell, as well as a “godsister,” who has made her an honorary “aunt” to two nephews and two nieces, ages newborn through 7. Completing her family is Benji, a five year old Yorkie, who graciously allows Caitlin to co-inhabit his house!
Asked to describe herself and her walk with the Lord, she states she grew up at Linden Baptist Church and is “outreach oriented, with a heart for helping others.” Among her favorite scriptures are Proverbs 31:20, “She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy,” and Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Caitlin has already travelled to such destinations as Guatemala (mission trip), Brazil (to visit a friend), to Tennessee and California, and greatly enjoys time spent at beaches. Taking trips is fine, Miss Palmer, just remember to always return to the office at the far end of the hall.