2024 Emphasis: Outreach
January 2024 | Written by Michael Morefield
In 2024 our church will be striving to grow in the area of outreach. Our longing is to be a missionally minded church, one that takes Jesus’ Great Commission seriously. This year we will be emphasizing this focus through a number of different areas: we will be praying every week in Sunday services for our supported missionaries, passing out missionary prayer cards to Sunday School classes at the beginning of each month, highlighting books that will teach and encourage missional activity, hosting several prayer nights & evangelistic workshops, and mobilizing every Gashland member as missionaries in their circles & on their streets. Please join us in praying for the gospel to go forth this year both abroad and at home!

January’s Book of the Month is The Heart of Evangelism by Jerram Barrs. There are several copies available for loan from our church library, and it is also available for purchase from Amazon. For more information, click here!