
Eleos Ministries

February 2024 | Edited by Steve Moberg

If you’re driving through Northeast Kansas City, at 3401 Independence Avenue you’ll find Eleos Coffee – a full-service coffee house and roasting company serving specialty coffees, lattes, smoothies, pastries, breakfast and lunch. But they are also a non-profit ministry which Gashland EPC helps support in their work toward community transformation in the surrounding neighborhoods of Northeast KCMO.

Dan Smith, who founded the ministry, said they are an outreach ministry that takes the shape of a coffee house. “Thanks for using Eleos Coffee at Gashland! Because of your partnership through coffee, you are enabling us to minister the gospel in and around the coffee house to homeless, trafficked, and addicted individuals as well as local residents. Eleos has a number of structured ministries but we focus on building organic relationships with people that come in the coffee house and try to help them with practical needs (ID, shelter, and other felt needs) as well as demonstrate and speak the good news of the gospel.”

Dan said they received quite a helping hand last year. “We were blessed with a new paint job for the outside of our building because of a contest we won through Life 88.5 radio; thank you for voting for Eleos to receive this blessing!” That gift was reflected in their theme for last year: “Made New” from 2 Corinthians 5:17. “We were extremely thankful to the Lord for His provision for a new make-over of the exterior of our building, but we rejoice even more at the work He did in lives through the power of His Word.”

Eleos has a morning Bible study at 10:00 AM every day they are open (which is Tuesday through Saturday) where they provide free coffee and food to attendees. “This ministry really allows us to get to know attendees, develop relationships with them, and disciple them toward Christ. Through the year we concluded our 7-month trek through the book of Luke, as well as studies in Ruth, Ezra, Nehemiah, Jonah, 1 & 2 Peter, and James. Our 12 teachers and artists, along with additional volunteers, faithfully opened the Word of God through the series and unpacked the beauty of Scripture verse by verse. We continue to see the reality of the power of the Word of God in people’s lives, including (or especially in) those of us who teach. It’s usually a slow process but an obvious one. We were blessed to have two interns last summer and saw one of our staff members and his wife (Clay and Skyler Gardner) go into full-time overseas missions in Thailand.”

Dan said that throughout 2024 they are excited to explore the theme of “Deep Roots,” from their theme verse of Colossians 2:6-7. “During our daily Bible studies we will look at what it means to be deeply rooted in Jesus as we explore the themes of Scripture, Prayer, Community, and Serving. We plan to also continue to do our Prayer Walks on Independence Ave, and through neighborhoods, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30 AM. We’ll also prayerfully continue our Friday women’s ministry, community outreach events, our Thanksgiving Turkey outreach, the Eleos Family Christmas event, and the daily gospel conversations with folks who come in and around the coffee house.”

Dan concluded by thanking Gashland for our partnership in the work of the gospel. “God continues to demonstrate His faithfulness in a multitude of ways and much of that is a result of your prayers and support. Thank you for purchasing coffee and for the variety of donations you provide throughout the year! We hope to see you at Eleos sometime! May the Lord bless you all!”