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    Funding Process:

    Check "Yes" if you hereby agree to the funding process, terms, and conditions.(Required)
    Funding Process, Terms, and Conditions: All funding applications must be submitted between April 1st and May 31st. Applications must be completely filled out, otherwise, they will be rejected. The CD&R Committee will bring motions for funding to the floor at the October Presbytery Meeting. If a motion is approved by the Presbytery, money will be disbursed in January of the new year. If the CD&R Committee receives multiple proposals, disbursement will be decided by the following factors: 1) How well the need/request fits the Gospel mission of the church; 2) The financial need of the church, including a demonstration of wise financial stewardship (both historically and at present); and 3) The CD&R Committee’s capacity for giving (i.e. how much money we have to offer one or more requests). If there is a need that is deemed urgent or as an emergency (one that falls outside of the aforementioned submission guidelines), the sending church’s session may convene to determine whether a one-time funding request is warranted. However, ability to meet that funding need is contingent on the availability of funds and the prioritization of those funds in the aforementioned pipeline. The CD&R Committee will not make any multi-year financial commitments to any one in need. Therefore, church must resubmit a new (updated) proposal the following year for additional funding if needed. At this point, the CD&R Committee will evaluate the proposal along the same merits and guidelines as it would any other. By accepting funding, you as a church are committing to give quarterly updates to the CD&R Committee. Updates will include: progress toward ministry goals, financial snapshot (particularly of how the Presbytery’s funding is being put to use), outstanding questions, problems, issues, and items for prayer.